
Academic Programs

Mindful Community School offers a complete academic program that allows students to develop knowledge, skills, and intellectual understanding to live their lives more fully.

Early Childhood

Elementary School

Middle & High Schools

Spanish & Sociales Dept.

Specialty Classes

Student Support Team

Early Childhood

Mindful Community School recognizes Early Childhood students as active participants in the learning process. It offers opportunities to develop their skills and acquire knowledge in an integrated, open, dynamic manner. 

Early Childhood students work both individually and in groups. Project Approach is implemented in Nursery, Prekinder and Kindergarten, involving students in the selection and planning of themes to be taught, based on their needs and interests.   



Our Elementary program is composed of First through Fifth grades. Teachers plan quality and meaningful learning experiences through thematic, project-based learning, taking into consideration, children’s multiple intelligences and learning styles. Project Approach builds on natural curiosity, giving children the opportunity to explore, interact, question, problem-solve, communicate and reflect.


MCS’s Middle School’s instructional programs are anchored on the belief that students’ transition from Elementary to High School require active support from teachers and administrators, to ensure an atmosphere of acceptance, understanding and respect. Its teaching program utilizes a team focus geared towards supporting students’ natural abilities, and developmental rate via a curriculum charged with instructional approaches maximizing individual growth, academic skills, and optimum opportunities for extracurricular activities. 

Spanish & Sociales Department

El Departamento de Español tiene como  finalidad brindar a los estudiantes instrucción y orientación concernientes al área de Lengua Española, Ciencias Sociales y Cívica; a través de estrategias metodológicas y actividades que fomenten y fortalezcan sus conocimientos y habilidades.

Ademas dar a conocer una visión general de la historia dominicana y universal, el fomento de los valores y desarrollar el pensamiento critico de los estudiantes al emitir juicios de valor sobre acontecimientos nacionales e internacionales.


Co-Curricular & extracurricular activities



We are strongly committed to integrate technology into our curriculum.


Music is an important part of the institution's educational program.


Students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas in a creative manner.

Physical Education

Physical Education is a key element in a comprehensive education.

Student Support Team

Our dedicated team, comprising the Psychology and Counseling Department and the Academic Intervention Services, is here to provide a comprehensive range of support services designed specifically to meet the unique needs of each student.