At Mindful Community School, we are committed to teaching our students the skills necessary to thrive in today’s evolving digital world.
Our Technology Curriculum is designed to allow students to constantly incorporate new tools to facilitate integration with other subjects and provide opportunities to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills that may prove helpful beyond the classroom.
The Technology Curriculum has four modules: Digital Citizenship, Computer Systems and Devices, Computational Thinking, and Computing Practices and Programming. All four modules span across all grades, Kinder k-8th. Each module tackles different areas that will help produce a well-rounded digital-age graduate.
In the Computer Lab, we have designed a learning experience that allows students to work independently to help them develop self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-regulation; and collaboratively to help them develop soft skills like communication, collaboration, and social skills. Each module’s activities and projects provide students with real-world applications using the latest technology.
Our Art program provides students with different learning opportunities that incorporate a variety of media, techniques and artistic styles. It also enables students to acquire a broader perception of the environment and understanding of historical and cultural perspectives.
Students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas in a creative manner, and to challenge their imagination, displaying respect and tolerance towards others’ points of view. The school fosters reflective thinking and promotes the development of critical thinking skills.

Physical Education
Physical Education is a key element in a comprehensive education. Our curriculum (Kindergarten-12th grade) provides psychomotor and locomotor development, body management-skills, handling skills, physical health, physical development and conditioning which result in the physical, optimal, and well-being of students who are prepared for the demands that society holds.

The basic contents according to the grade level are as follows:
Early Childhood
Perception of body image, skills and abilities, corporal expression and communication, body health, sports and games
Development of physical fitness, flexibility, corporal expression, sports (basketball, soccer, table tennis, chess, volleyball, athletics) as well as recreational games.
Physical fitness, sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer, table tennis, chess, athletics) and motivational games.

Music is an important part of the institution’s educational program. Early Childhood students receive stimulation through the wonderful world of music.
In Elementary school, students explore with percussion instruments are introduced to guitar, electric bass, drums and keyboards that prepares them for high school.
Mindful Community School counts with a school band that practices presenting their learning and talents in various events throughout the year. We provide our students with personalized attention to meet their musical development.
Through our chess program, we expose our students to amazing learning experiences which contribute to the development of multiple skills such as:
- Logical thinking
- Mathematical concepts
- Decision-making
- Problem-solving
- Attention span
- Concentration
- Communication